Sunday, September 27, 2009

Ye Olde Dungeon

A definition for those new to the concept: a dungeon is a room or area of your home that is so cluttered, so over-run by *stuff*, that you are thoroughly embarrassed to have anyone see it. Usual suspects are craft rooms, offices, empty rooms that become catch-all storage areas, garages, storage areas (sheds, attics, basements), but any room in the house can be one. When we talk about dungeons we're talking about *clutter*, not dirt. A grimy bathroom is not a dungeon, but a slightly dusty room piled high with sewing patterns, fabric, scrapbook supplies, and other crafts is.

The points for dungeons during PCCX are as follows:
  • If you cleared (not cleaned, cleared) a dungeon in a previous PCCX period and it is still clear, 500 points.
  • Flinging (getting rid of) items from your dungeon (give away, throw away, sell), 10 points per item, paper and other very small multiple items are 10 pieces per 10 points.
  • Every 15 minutes spent decluttering your dungeon, 200 points.
  • If you completely clear your dungeon during the PCCX period, 1000 points in addition to time and flinging points.
  • If you clear your dungeon, have time to spare, and decide to clean the room as well using the appropriate room list, double the task points for that room.
  • Finally, if you begin PCCX with no area you can call a dungeon, 1000 points and our congratulations.
If you have one and are participating, you must declare a single dungeon at the start of the period. You don't need to list any other rooms you have, though you may if you wish.

For example, my dungeon for this time around is my storage shed in the backyard. My home consists of 4 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 2 hallways, a living/dining room combo, the kitchen, and a laundry room. And *if* I get all that done and am feeling ambitious, mom's "apartment" has a bedroom, office, bathroom, and walk-in closet, but I'm not counting on that.

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