Saturday, October 10, 2009

Slacker #2

Where did this last week go? Seriously, I posted blogs on Sunday and Monday - and nothing is it Saturday already??? It's not as if I have nothing to say, I have written entire blogs in my head while out of the house - get home and never get around to posting them LOL

I honestly don't even know what the room was for pccx this week! But its okay...there are still 6 weeks, 2 days left. However, today I will not be doing any heavy cleaning, just the basics and getting homework done. I have 8 chapters to read, a discussion forum post to write, a portfolio due for psych, 3 tests to take, and 2 labs for geography. All due by Friday. Come to think of it, I may just go back to bed and hide under the covers until next Saturday.

Today I'll be doing my infamous homework for 30 minutes, housework for 30 minutes. I'll post later on how that's working for me.

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